Net use: Drive H: is now connected to h:\username error
I know this has been a problem a long time, but it's still a problem and annoys me. There is no policy that can help this from NOT happening. Procedure to re-create problem: Ensure you log on to a laptop with a domain user where H: is mapped to \\server\users\billg Log on once. then logoff. Remove all network connections (cable/wlan) Log in again (cached credentials) Enable a network connection. e.g. plug the network cable Open CMD and type NET USE H: /HOME You will get the message: Drive H: is now connected to \\server\users. Your home directory is H:\billg The policy Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon has no effect on this issue. Tested: Windows XP and Windows 7. Workaround script: Save this to a file mapdrive.vbs and you can call it from anywhere. e.g. cscript //nologo mapdrive.vbs (Requires both user and computer to be a member of the domain) option explicit dim strUser, adsobj, strHomeDrive, strHomeDir, oNetwork, strDomainName, oFSO Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") strUser = oNetwork.UserName strDomainName = oNetwork.userDomain set adsobj = getobject( "WinNT://" & strDomainName & "/" & strUser ) strHomeDrive = adsobj.homeDirDrive strHomeDir = adsobj.homeDirectory if oFSO.driveexists(strHomedrive) then oNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strHomeDrive, true end if oNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strHomeDrive, strHomeDir wscript.echo "Homedrive " & strHomeDrive & " mapped to " & strHomeDir & "..."
September 27th, 2010 10:24am

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